Evening all,
Only fifteen minutes till the Ipswich match starts so I am going to type like a loon...apologies if there are any typo's.
Some of you have been making comments about the photo I have posted on Day 16...I am still awaiting a positive one. I'd just like to point out that I didn't get to choose my face, like the beard, it just kind of grew on me.
Thank you to those of you who pointed out how big my nose is, I'd never noticed myself, but now I am aware it's something I am thinking about a lot. Yes, the glasses are a necessity, they don't make contact lenses thick enough for my prescription...this is also why my are ears are so big, to support the weight of the two windscreens in front of my eyes. I disagree that the photo looks like someone from an American High School graduation that's released to the press just after he has shot 23 of his classmates. But finally, thank you to my mum who pointed out that the beard was nice, as it covered most of my face.
When I was born my mum said I was an ugly baby...10 minutes later the doc walked in and said how much i looked like my mother. They call that karma.
I have a large bump on my bottom lip that my dad gave me when I was ten. It's not as bad as it sounds...he 'accidentally' tripped me up with the garden hose one summer Sunday morning. It was just unfortunate that he tripped me up as I was walking towards our glass front door and its large stone doorstep. It wasn't all bad, it got me out of church that day and I got to eat Munch Bunch yoghurts for a week.
Happy Days!
However, I blame this bump for my failed audition to be the Milky Bar Kid in 1984. That role was meant for me...buck teeth, blonde hair and glasses...i was a dead cert for a life of leather chaps and endless milk chocolate but the bump did for me I reckon. I still have trouble going in newsagents today.
Anyway, any more smart comments about my face and I'll be posting the second hairiest part of my body on the blog tomorrow.
Come on you blues!