Sunday, 1 February 2009

Day 1 - Weirdy Beardy

Like most of the more challenging decisions in my life, my choice of growing a beard was fuelled by alcohol. I had been searching the EDP (a local paper) website trying to find out what had happened at the Queens Head pub in Hethersett - there had been four police cars and an ambulance turn up for Sunday lunch. During my search I found the article for The Big C fundraiser and before you could say "beards are for losers" I had emailed for an application pack and downed a whole bottle of cabernet sauvignon....these things happen in Hethersett.

The application pack arrived the following day with a booklet showing just how much they need financial support, plus a sponsorship form and a poster of different styles of beards that made me feel a little uneasy. Beards really are for losers.

I started contacting family and friends for sponsorship. One of my friends, Amanda, emailed me wishing me luck but added that with glasses and a forthcoming beard, I had better be well-endowed or ready to be single again. I immediately tried to think of good looking guys with beards...this is like trying to think of people you would invite to a party called Osama.

On the whole, i think beards are worn by people who need a good smack in their furry chops...Noel Edmonds, Brian Blessed, George Michael and Rolf Harris to name but a few. Then again, some of my favourite people have had beards...Santa Claus, Kenny Everitt, The Twits and ZZ Top. Maybe, it's the man, not the beard. I shall have to wear it well.

I have started to collect sponsors and I think the total is about £65 at the moment...thank you to all those who have contributed so far.

Today is the first day of not shaving...I never normally shave on a Sunday so this is nothing new to me, but tomorrow is another day and a little more growth. I've never gone more than 3 days without shaving and the idea of having a beard really scares me. Cancer scares me even more so it's going to be 28 days of face fuzz for me and amusement for those around me.

There will be pictures posted on here in due course, so the amusement won't be limited to Norwich.

Thanks again for your support to date.
