Evening all,
Regular readers will remember how much I love kids (Day 3 and Tennisgate)...well today I have been dining with work chums to say goodbye to Vickie, who is off on one of those State-funded-put-your-feet-up-and-watch-telly-holidays....otherwise known as maternity leave. That fella who had a baby in America might be on to something...a whole year off just for having a baby...that's proper nice gravy!
Vickie is better known amongst her work colleagues as the Chav. She hasn't got a clown necklace or a pink Clio with one of those 'Princess Onboard' stickers...she just lives in Thetford.
Anyway, I am taking a trip down Chav Avenue this evening...Vickie recommended I try some Gaymers Pear Cider earlier today and during my weekly shop in Tesco tonight I found they had a deal on buying 3 bottles of Gaymers for £4...so it's pear cider and Miss Marple on BBC3 tonight...what's happening to me?
Tuesday is a nightmare for decent telly. That said, I forgot to report that the Colin Firth movie my girlfriend and I watched on Valentines Day was crap as well. The Accidental Husband was possibly the most pointless 90 minutes I've spent of my life...if you haven't seen it, look away now...but basically this woman (Uma Thurman) gives romance advice on a radio show...her advice causes a woman to dump her fiance (Patrick Sullivan) and Sullivan sets about getting Thurman back for her ruining his life....and guess what....they fall in love...zzzzzzzzz!
Colin Firth appears for about 10 minutes in total...and has a 'hilarious' nervous eating disorder....he eats a lot when he 's nervous....yes, I think fat bastard when I think of Colin Firth. Just before the audience die of boredom Thurman marries Sullivan and Firth has disappeared...probably to Burger King. The Accidental Film would have been a more appropriate title.
Anyway, i would just like to finish with a thank you to Ann Brown for sponsoring me...£10 is better than a knitted flower any day.