Thursday, 26 February 2009

Day 26 - Weirdy Beardy

Evening all,

Only two days to go and then the beard will go. Some of you are aware that I have booked myself in at a traditional men's barbers on Monday to have my face fuzz removed. But I'd never really enjoyed going to a barbers until i discovered Poppa John's in Wymondham.

When i was a kid my dad used to take us (me, my brother and my sister) to a place called John Cutter in Sudbury (is every hairdresser called John?). It didn't matter if you were a boy or a girl, Mr Cutter would style your hair the same way...the Lego man crash helmet style. He even had the audacity at the end to ask if you wanted some gel on it!!! "Yes please John, I'm not sure if the bullies will be giving me enough of a kicking with this crap cut, so lets stick some cheap greasy gunk on it so it looks as though it hasn't been washed."

I felt a bit of a muppet when I found out, in my late teens, that John of John Cutter didn't actually have the surname Cutter, but that it was just a play on words. You can forgive me for believing the other three shopkeepers on Gaol Lane had their real names above their door..Barry Butcher, Henry Hardware and Peter Porn all seem like reasonable monikers to me....but John Cutter is a bit obvious isn't it?

Due to my incredibly short attention span, and low idiot threshold, I find it extremely difficult to sit still for more than 10 minutes at a time. But if you then add an overtly happy chap called John, a pair of scissors and some mundane holiday conversation into the mix, I'm ready to become a hippy and avoid any hairdressers for months on end.

I like Poppa Johns in Wymondham because they have you in and out of the chair in less than 10 minutes. If you want to talk about the weather, the economy or Norwich City, you can....but holidays doesn't come up once and if you want to keep schtum, you can. If they are shaving off a beard with a cut throat're not going to be talking.

Happy Days.

It also conveniently located in between a bookies and a pub...could life get any better? I think I'm going to enjoy Monday.
