Thursday, 5 February 2009

Day 5 - Weirdy Beardy

Hello again beardsters,

You may have noticed on Day 4 that i have set up a justgiving web page where you can now sponsor me for weirdybeardyman and you'll find even those of you in foreign parts can now give a little.

I was disappointed that the web page weirdybeardy (i am weirdybeardyman) had already been taken on, especially when considering The Big C charity is based in the Norfolk area and not a national organisation. So, I did some investigating (of the web page i should of had) and found that this site belongs to a Mrs Brenda Gundall of Diss...and her beard is already twice the length of mine. She must of had a head start.

I had an enjoyable evening down the Golden Star last night....big up to Fairy Flissabelle, Princess Loving, Sarah, Dirty Jean and Kevin the Norwich fan. It was Performers night and there was a mix of bands and comedians. I'd like to make a special mention to Andy the comedian, whose set i enjoyed for all the wrong reasons...i've not heard the "my mother stood on the scales and the machine said one at a time" since brought back some fond memories.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the Whispering Blue Rasperries and their 'alternative pornographic blues'..."Come on baby, lets have some fun, let me stick that sausage into your bun" is a lyric I am considering having tattoed on my forearm.

And I didn't get the name of the band (two blokes after the Rasperries) that covered Brittany Spears 'Toxic' with an acoustic guitar and a harmonica, but that was great. I missed the last three acts but it was a fun evening and a good crowd occupying the Star. It certainly beat ITV missing the only goal after two hours of Merseyside misery.

If you're passing the Golden Star, Norwich on the first Wednesday of the month stick your head in, the Performers night is a fantastic night out. If you are passing the Golden Star on a Friday at any point in the month, come in and buy me a pint.

I think i've written enough. Tonight I shall be dining from the fish and chip van in Hethersett and watching Hustle with a couple of bottles of cider...when in Norfolk....

take care
